Index Data’s Work Featured in the Midwinter BIBFRAME Update
The Library of Congress January BIBFRAME Update Forum, normally held during ALA Midwinter, is online this year on Sunday, January 24, 2021, from 10:00am to 11:00am Eastern U.S. time. During this forum, Index Data’s Sebastian Hammer and Wayne Schneider will be reflecting on “BIBFRAME in a MARC World”.
Sally McCallum from the Library of Congress posted this announcement:
The Library of Congress is planning for 2021 to be an expansion year for its BIBFRAME cataloging operation as a large project involves bringing all the cataloging staff into BIBFRAME. This means that interchange using both BIBFRAME and MARC will also expand, as will the potential for new developments for systems based on either format. This Update will hear about plans of Ex Libris for Linked Data — How bridging the BIBFRAME and MARC workflows might work in the Folio development — And an OCLC intent to be able to “adroitly” consume and export BIBFRAME data.
Library of Congress BIBFRAME Update (click to access program)
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