Our suite of programmer’s tools makes us a natural partner for software developers and vendors. We offer a broad range of commercially-supported software tools for information retrieval and processing used in publishing, libraries, research and industry, including:
- Integrated searching across heterogeneous resources: the MasterKey platform is designed to enable searching across multiple distinct, heterogeneous resources, whether locally indexed or remotely accessed through APIs or even screen scraping. Our technology is designed to provide a unified result list across any number of resources and to deliver high performance and maximum functionality.
- Metadata harvesting: our connector technology can harvest structured metadata from remote resources and deliver results to you as data feeds. You can add hundreds of data streams from practically any source to your product, without worrying about feed development, maintenance, or extraordinary costs.
- Standard protocol support: we provide tools and expertise to help you support the key standards that enable cross-platform interoperability in the library domain.