Attending the European BIBFRAME Workshop in Florence, Italy, was a great way to wrap up my first month with Index Data — and it wasn’t just about the hills, art, and food. The workshop proved to be an excellent introduction to the BIBFRAME community and the variety of exciting initiatives taking place around the globe. […]

Machine learning in libraries, as in many other contexts, will often rely on data about people and their activities. Data in a library system can be made available for use with machine learning algorithms to develop predictive models, which have the potential to help patrons in their research. Of course, the data might also be […]

As the calendar turned to a new year, we took the opportunity to reflect on the state of FOLIO today.

The Index Data team members are excited to have jumpstarted this open source effort, and the numbers tell a story of a growing and highly engaged community.

Daniel Engelke, chief technology officer and co-founder of Bibliotech Education Ltd, notified us about their release of an open source Z39.50 toolkit for Node.js that uses Index Data’s YAZ toolkit. The source code is available on GitHub. Daniel said, “Having the YAZ toolkit available, specifically the libyaz5-dev package made developing a zoom client in Node.js […]

In the two decades since electronic journals started replacing print journals as the primary access to article content, the quandary of how to ensure proper access to electronic articles that are licensed and paid for by the library has been with us.Note 1 Termed the “off campus problem”, libraries have employed numerous techniques and technologies to enable access to authorized users when they were not at their institutions.