At the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, Index Data’s Sebastian Hammer will be giving an update on our collaboration with @CULT and Casalini Libri to build integrations between the Share-VDE platform and the FOLIO Library Services Platform. The integration between these systems will offer FOLIO libraries a model for collaborative bibliographic description based on managing BIBFRAME-based entities, not textual descriptions buried in a local MARC […]

thoughts from Sebastian Hammer, co-founder and president of Index Data. Of all the many kinds of “Open” that populate the library landscape, Open Source is perhaps the one that is subject to the most conflicting stories about precisely what it means and why (and whether) it is important. There are, of course, legitimate differences of […]

In the quarter of a century that Index Data has been providing software solutions to libraries, one of the most common tasks we are asked to do is aggregate the holdings of groups of libraries, and among our bag of tricks is software that builds unified catalogs (Zebra) and federated search catalogs (MasterKey).  As is […]

Last week, I attended the 2018 Open Libraries Forum at the Internet Archive’s remarkable headquarters in San Francisco. The focus of the Forum was twofold: to learn firsthand from some of the authors of the newly-minted position statement on controlled digital lending (CDL), and to help provide input for the Archive on their own Digital […]